Unbox Your Way to Safety with APOCABOX: Your Ultimate Survival Subscription Box

Unbox your way to preparedness with survival subscription boxes designed to equip you for any situation. In today's unpredictable world, being ready for the unforeseen is not just a choice but a necessity. Whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, avid camper, or simply want to be prepared for emergencies, these curated boxes deliver essential gear and knowledge to enhance your survival instincts.

At APOCABOX, we take preparedness to the next level with our survival and preparedness themed subscription box. Our mission is to provide you with the tools, information, and gear you need to thrive in challenging circumstances. We understand the importance of readiness, and our subscription box is designed to empower you to be proactive in your approach to preparedness.

Join the league of proactive individuals who value peace of mind and take proactive measures. From first-aid kits to versatile tools, every item in our APOCABOX is handpicked to assist you in navigating through challenging circumstances. Imagine unboxing a world of possibilities and confidence, knowing that you have quality gear at your fingertips.

The rise of survival subscription boxes

Survival subscription boxes have emerged as a revolutionary solution for individuals seeking to proactively prepare for any eventuality. With the increasing awareness of the need for readiness in uncertain times, these subscription boxes have gained immense popularity. People from various walks of life, including outdoor enthusiasts, preppers, and adventurers, are turning to these boxes as a means of ensuring their preparedness. The convenience of receiving a curated selection of survival gear and knowledge at regular intervals has transformed the way individuals approach readiness.

At APOCABOX, we've been at the forefront of this movement, providing our subscribers with top-notch survival gear, information, and tools. Our subscription box is more than just a collection of items; it's a pathway to empowerment and self-reliance. We believe that preparedness is a lifestyle, and our boxes reflect this philosophy.

Furthermore, the rise of survival subscription boxes parallels the growing interest in self-sufficiency and survival skills. It reflects a shift towards a proactive mindset, where individuals recognize the importance of being equipped to handle unexpected situations. These boxes not only provide essential tools but also foster a sense of empowerment and self-reliance, making preparedness an accessible and engaging endeavor.

As the demand for survival subscription boxes continues to soar, it's evident that they have become more than just a trend – they represent a fundamental shift towards a proactive and prepared lifestyle.

What are survival subscription boxes?

Survival subscription boxes are carefully curated packages that contain a selection of essential gear, tools, and educational resources focused on survival and emergency preparedness. These boxes are typically designed to cater to a variety of scenarios, ranging from outdoor adventures to emergency situations. Each box is thoughtfully assembled to provide individuals with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate through unexpected challenges.

One of the defining features of survival subscription boxes is their diversity and customization. Different subscription services offer boxes tailored to specific needs, such as wilderness survival, urban emergency preparedness, or general outdoor exploration. This diversity allows individuals to choose a subscription that aligns with their unique requirements and interests, ensuring that they receive relevant and valuable items in each delivery.

At APOCABOX, we take pride in offering a subscription box that caters to a wide range of survival needs. Whether you're a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or just starting your preparedness journey, our boxes are designed to provide you with the gear and knowledge you need.

Moreover, survival subscription boxes often include educational materials, such as guides, tips, and tutorials, to impart valuable survival skills. This holistic approach not only equips individuals with the right gear but also empowers them with the knowledge needed to respond effectively to unforeseen circumstances.

Benefits of survival subscription boxes

The benefits of survival subscription boxes extend far beyond the convenience of receiving curated gear and resources. These boxes offer a range of advantages that contribute to an individual's preparedness, confidence, and peace of mind. One of the primary benefits is the element of surprise and discovery that comes with each box. Opening a survival subscription box is akin to unwrapping a package of possibilities, as individuals uncover new tools, gadgets, and knowledge that enhance their readiness.

Additionally, these boxes provide a cost-effective way to gradually build a collection of high-quality survival gear. By subscribing to a service, individuals can receive a steady stream of essential items without the need for extensive research or shopping. This not only saves time and effort but also ensures that individuals are consistently adding to their preparedness arsenal.

At APOCABOX, we understand that building your survival gear collection can be a daunting task. That's why we offer a subscription service that takes the guesswork out of the equation. With each box, you'll receive carefully selected items that are designed to be practical and effective in real-world scenarios.

Furthermore, the educational aspect of survival subscription boxes cannot be overlooked. The inclusion of instructional materials and survival guides empowers individuals with valuable knowledge, ensuring that they are not just equipped with gear but also possess the skills to effectively utilize it in critical situations.

Essential items in survival subscription boxes

Survival subscription boxes include a diverse array of essential items that cater to a wide range of needs and scenarios. While the specific contents may vary based on the theme of the box and the provider, there are several common items that are frequently included. These items are carefully selected to address fundamental aspects of survival, ensuring that individuals are equipped to handle emergencies and challenging environments.

One of the most ubiquitous items found in survival subscription boxes is the first-aid kit. This essential component provides individuals with the means to address injuries and medical emergencies in the field. From bandages and antiseptic wipes to splints and pain relief medication, a well-equipped first-aid kit is a cornerstone of any survival gear collection.

In addition to first-aid supplies, survival subscription boxes often include versatile tools that serve multiple purposes. These tools may range from multi-tools and survival knives to fire starters and compact shelters. The emphasis on versatility ensures that individuals have access to gear that can address a variety of needs, from shelter construction to food preparation and self-defense.

Furthermore, survival subscription boxes frequently incorporate educational materials, such as survival guides, wilderness navigation tips, and emergency communication strategies. These resources are designed to impart valuable knowledge and skills, empowering individuals to make informed decisions and navigate through challenging situations with confidence.

Choosing the right survival subscription box for your needs

When selecting a survival subscription box, it's essential to consider your specific needs, preferences, and intended use. With a diverse range of options available, individuals can tailor their subscription to align with their unique circumstances and interests. Several factors should be taken into account to ensure that the chosen box effectively meets the individual's requirements.

First and foremost, individuals should evaluate the thematic focus of the subscription boxes offered by different providers. Some boxes may cater to wilderness survival, while others may emphasize urban emergency preparedness or general outdoor exploration. By understanding the thematic emphasis of each box, individuals can select a subscription that aligns with their intended use and environment.

In addition to thematic considerations, individuals should assess the quality and relevance of the items included in each box. The reputation of the provider, the reviews from existing subscribers, and the comprehensiveness of the contents should all be taken into account when making a decision. Ultimately, the chosen box should not only align with the individual's needs but also deliver high-quality, practical, and valuable gear and resources.

At APOCABOX, we offer a range of subscription options to cater to different needs and preferences. Our boxes are carefully curated to provide you with the best gear and knowledge, whether you're a seasoned survivalist or just starting your journey towards preparedness. We take pride in delivering top-notch items that are both functional and reliable.

How survival subscription boxes prepare you for emergencies

Survival subscription boxes play a pivotal role in preparing individuals for emergencies by providing them with the necessary tools, knowledge, and mindset to navigate through challenging situations. These boxes serve as a proactive means of readiness, ensuring that individuals are equipped to handle a wide range of scenarios, from outdoor adventures to unexpected emergencies in urban environments.

By receiving a curated selection of gear and resources at regular intervals, individuals gradually build a comprehensive collection of essential items that are crucial for survival. This gradual accumulation not only ensures that individuals have access to a wide array of tools but also enables them to familiarize themselves with the gear and develop proficiency in using it effectively.

Furthermore, the educational materials included in survival subscription boxes impart invaluable skills and knowledge that are essential for making informed decisions in critical situations. From basic first-aid techniques to wilderness navigation and shelter construction, these resources empower individuals with the confidence and competence needed to respond effectively to emergencies.

Reviews and testimonials from survival subscription box users

The experiences and feedback from individuals who have subscribed to survival boxes provide valuable insights into the practicality and effectiveness of these offerings. Reviews and testimonials from users offer firsthand accounts of how these boxes have contributed to their preparedness, confidence, and ability to handle unexpected situations. By examining the experiences of others, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the impact and value of survival subscription boxes.

Many users highlight the element of excitement and anticipation that comes with receiving a survival subscription box. The surprise of unboxing new gear and resources creates a sense of adventure and discovery, making the process of preparedness engaging and enjoyable. Moreover, users often emphasize the practicality and usefulness of the items included, citing instances where the gear and knowledge provided by the boxes have proven invaluable in real-world scenarios.

Additionally, testimonials frequently underscore the peace of mind that comes with being prepared. Users express a heightened sense of confidence and security, knowing that they have access to essential tools and skills that can make a difference in critical situations. These firsthand accounts serve as compelling endorsements of the practicality and impact of survival subscription boxes.

Comparing different survival subscription box brands

As the demand for survival subscription boxes continues to grow, an increasing number of providers have entered the market, offering a diverse array of options for individuals seeking to enhance their readiness. When comparing different brands and their respective subscription offerings, several factors should be considered to make an informed decision.

First, individuals should assess the thematic focus and specialization of each brand's subscription boxes. Some providers may excel in catering to specific environments, such as wilderness survival or urban emergency preparedness, while others may offer a more generalized approach. Understanding the thematic emphasis of each brand allows individuals to align their subscription with their intended use and circumstances.

In addition to thematic considerations, individuals should assess the quality and diversity of the items included in each box. By examining the contents of different subscription offerings, individuals can gauge the practicality and relevance of the gear and resources provided. Furthermore, the reputation and track record of each brand, as well as the feedback from existing subscribers, can offer valuable insights into the overall quality and satisfaction associated with their offerings.

At APOCABOX, we stand out as a trusted and reputable provider of survival subscription boxes. Our commitment to quality, diversity, and customer satisfaction sets us apart in the industry. We take pride in delivering exceptional value to our subscribers, ensuring that they receive top-quality gear and resources in every box.


Survival subscription boxes represent a proactive and engaging approach to preparedness, offering individuals a convenient and curated means of acquiring essential gear and knowledge. From the excitement of unboxing new items to the practicality of building a comprehensive collection of survival tools, these subscription offerings empower individuals to navigate through unexpected situations with confidence and competence.

As the demand for survival subscription boxes continues to rise, it's evident that they have become an integral component of a proactive and prepared lifestyle. By carefully selecting a subscription that aligns with their unique needs and interests, individuals can embark on a journey of readiness, equipped with the tools and skills to thrive in any environment. Embrace the empowerment and peace of mind that comes with unboxing your way to safety – because readiness is not just an option, but a necessity in the unpredictable world we live in.

With the right survival subscription box by your side, you can confidently face any challenge, knowing that you have the support and resources to overcome it. Unbox your way to safety and embrace the confidence of being prepared for anything that comes your way. Subscribe to APOCABOX today and experience the difference in preparedness. Join our community of proactive individuals who value peace of mind and take proactive measures. Don't just exist – thrive and conquer every environment with the support of your personalized survival subscription box.

Survival Made Easy: How a Survival Subscription Box Can Simplify Your Prepping Journey

Survival Made Easy: How a Subscription Box Can Simplify Your Prepping Journey

In today's unpredictable world, being prepared for any disaster or emergency is more important than ever. But navigating the world of prepping can be overwhelming, with countless products and resources to choose from. That's where a subscription box can be a game-changer. In this article, we'll explore how a subscription box can simplify your prepping journey and ensure you have all the essentials you need to survive.

With a survival subscription box, you can leave the research and planning to the experts. Each month, you'll receive a carefully curated selection of survival gear, emergency food supplies, and other essential items. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or just starting out, this convenient service takes the guesswork out of building your emergency preparedness kit.

Not only do survival subscription boxes provide you with essential supplies, but they also offer peace of mind. Knowing that you have a steady supply of emergency necessities delivered right to your door can alleviate stress and help you feel more confident in your ability to handle any situation.

Ready to simplify your prepping journey? Join the ever-growing community of subscribers who are taking the guesswork out of emergency preparedness with a subscription box.

The benefits of prepping and why it's important

In today's unpredictable world, being prepared for any disaster or emergency is more important than ever. But navigating the world of prepping can be overwhelming, with countless products and resources to choose from. That's where a survival subscription box can be a game-changer. In this article, we'll explore how a subscription box can simplify your prepping journey and ensure you have all the essentials you need to survive.

With a survival subscription box, you can leave the research and planning to the experts. Each month, you'll receive a carefully curated selection of survival gear, emergency food supplies, and other essential items. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or just starting out, this convenient service takes the guesswork out of building your emergency preparedness kit.

Not only do subscription boxes provide you with essential supplies, but they also offer peace of mind. Knowing that you have a steady supply of emergency necessities delivered right to your door can alleviate stress and help you feel more confident in your ability to handle any situation.

Ready to simplify your prepping journey? Join the ever-growing community of subscribers who are taking the guesswork out of emergency preparedness with a survival subscription box.

What is a survival subscription box and how does it work?

Prepping, or emergency preparedness, is the act of preparing for potential disasters or emergencies. It involves gathering essential supplies, creating emergency plans, and developing the skills needed to survive in a crisis situation. While some may view prepping as an extreme or unnecessary practice, the reality is that emergencies can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time.

Natural disasters, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods, can strike without warning. In addition, there are other potential threats, such as power outages, civil unrest, and even pandemics. Being prepared for these situations can mean the difference between life and death.

By having a well-stocked emergency kit and a plan in place, you can minimize the impact of a disaster and increase your chances of survival. Prepping also allows you to take care of yourself and your loved ones during times of crisis, without having to rely solely on outside help.

How a survival subscription box can simplify your prepping journey

A survival subscription box is a service that delivers a curated selection of products to your doorstep on a regular basis. These boxes can focus on a wide range of interests, from beauty and fashion to food and fitness. In the case of prepping, a subscription box is specifically designed to provide you with the essential supplies you need to survive in an emergency.

The process is simple: you sign up for a subscription, choose your plan (typically monthly or quarterly), and wait for your box to arrive. Each box is carefully curated by experts in the field of emergency preparedness, ensuring that you receive high-quality products that are tailored to your needs.

Subscription boxes for preppers often include a variety of items, such as survival gear, emergency food supplies, first aid kits, water purification systems, and more. The contents of each box are typically a surprise, adding an element of excitement to the subscription.

Popular subscription boxes for preppers

One of the biggest challenges of prepping is knowing what supplies to buy and where to find them. With a survival subscription box, you can leave this research and planning to the experts. Each month, you'll receive a thoughtfully curated selection of items that have been carefully chosen to meet your survival needs.

This not only saves you time and effort but also ensures that you're getting high-quality products that have been vetted by professionals. Instead of spending hours researching different brands and comparing prices, you can rely on the expertise of the subscription box service to provide you with the best options available.

Additionally, a subscription survival box takes the guesswork out of building your emergency preparedness kit. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned prepper looking to enhance your supplies, each box will contain a well-rounded selection of items that cover the essentials. This means you don't have to worry about missing any crucial items or overstocking on unnecessary ones.

Choosing the right subscription survival box for your needs

There are several survival subscription boxes available on the market that cater specifically to preppers. These boxes vary in terms of price, contents, and frequency of delivery, allowing you to find the one that best fits your needs.

APOCABOX: Apocabox is a survival subscription box curated by survival instructor Creek Stewart. Every other month, Creek ships a box of survival themed products and gear to members all over the United States.

What to expect in a prepper subscription box

When choosing a subscription box for preppers, it's important to consider your specific needs and preferences. Here are a few factors to keep in mind:

1. Contents: Look for a subscription box that includes the essential items you need, such as food, water, shelter, and first aid supplies. Consider your specific circumstances and any unique requirements you may have.

2. Frequency: Decide how often you want to receive a box. Some subscriptions offer monthly deliveries, while others may be quarterly or even biannually. Choose a frequency that aligns with your budget and storage capabilities.

3. Price: Subscription boxes for preppers can vary widely in price. Consider your budget and how much you're willing to spend on emergency preparedness. Keep in mind that quality is important, so be cautious of extremely low-priced boxes that may compromise on the quality of the products.

4. Reviews: Read reviews and feedback from other subscribers to get a sense of the quality and value provided by the subscription box. Look for reputable and trusted brands that have positive customer testimonials.

By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose a subscription box that meets your specific needs and preferences.

Tips for maximizing the value of your subscription box

Each prepper subscription box is unique and may include different items based on the service provider and the specific theme of the box. However, there are some common items that you can expect to find in most prepper subscription boxes:

1. Survival Gear: This can include items such as multi-tools, fire starters, compasses, and flashlights. These tools are essential for navigating through emergency situations and ensuring your safety.

2. Emergency Food: Subscription boxes often include a variety of emergency food supplies, such as freeze-dried meals, energy bars, and long-lasting food packs. These items provide sustenance during times when access to fresh food may be limited or unavailable.

3. Water Purification: Clean drinking water is crucial in an emergency. Many prepper subscription boxes include water purification tablets, filters, or other devices that allow you to safely consume water from various sources.

4. First Aid Supplies: A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for handling injuries and illnesses during emergencies. Subscription boxes often include a selection of bandages, medications, and basic medical tools.

5. Survival Guides and Educational Materials: Some subscription boxes include guides, manuals, or educational materials that provide valuable information on survival skills, emergency planning, and disaster preparedness.

Alternatives to subscription boxes for preppers

To make the most of your prepper subscription box, consider the following tips:

1. Inventory and Rotate: Regularly check the contents of your subscription box and take inventory of your supplies. Rotate perishable items and replace expired ones to ensure that your emergency kit is always up to date.

2. Personalize: Customize your subscription box by providing feedback to the service provider. Let them know your preferences, any specific items you'd like to see in future boxes, or any dietary restrictions you may have.

3. Learn and Practice: Take advantage of the educational materials provided in your subscription box. Learn new survival skills, practice using the gear, and familiarize yourself with the contents of your emergency kit.

4. Share and Connect: Engage with the prepper community by sharing your experiences and connecting with other subscribers. Join online forums, attend local meetings or workshops, and learn from others who share your interest in emergency preparedness.

Conclusion: Start simplifying your prepping journey with a survival subscription box

While subscription survival boxes offer convenience and a curated selection of products, they may not be the ideal solution for everyone. If a subscription box doesn't fit your needs or budget, there are alternative ways to build your emergency preparedness kit:

1. Build Your Own Kit: Research and purchase individual items based on your specific needs. This allows you to have full control over the contents of your emergency kit and tailor it to your preferences.

2. Local Stores and Online Retailers: Visit local stores or browse online retailers that specialize in emergency preparedness supplies. This gives you the flexibility to choose exactly what you need, without the commitment of a subscription.

3. Community Resources: Check with local emergency management agencies, community organizations, or even friends and neighbors to see if there are any resources or initiatives available to help you build your emergency kit.

Embrace Family Bonding with APOCABOX: 5 Benefits of Exploring the Outdoors Together

In today's fast-paced world, finding quality time to spend with your family can be a challenge. However, fostering meaningful connections and creating lasting memories with loved ones is more important than ever. That's where APOCABOX, the survival-themed outdoor subscription box, comes in. Designed to encourage families to venture into the great outdoors, APOCABOX offers a unique and convenient way to embark on adventures together. In this blog post, we will explore five remarkable benefits of spending time as a family with APOCABOX, from strengthening bonds to embracing the beauty of nature. So, let's delve into the wonders of outdoor exploration with APOCABOX!

Building Stronger Family Bonds:

Outdoor activities provide an ideal setting for families to bond and connect on a deeper level. With APOCABOX, you'll receive carefully curated gear, tools, and resources that promote teamwork, cooperation, and shared experiences. From setting up camp to tackling nature-inspired challenges, the shared adventures will create lifelong memories and strengthen the bonds between family members.

Unplugging from Technology:

In today's digital age, it's increasingly important to unplug and reconnect with nature. APOCABOX encourages families to step away from screens and immerse themselves in the great outdoors. Whether it's embarking on a hike, setting up a campfire, or engaging in outdoor crafts, the activities provided by APOCABOX promote digital detox and allow families to enjoy quality time away from distractions.

Nurturing a Love for Nature:

APOCABOX helps instill a love for nature in family members of all ages. Each box is thoughtfully curated to introduce outdoor skills, educate about wildlife, and foster an appreciation for the environment. By engaging in outdoor activities together, families can learn about local ecosystems, flora, and fauna, inspiring a sense of stewardship and a desire to protect and conserve the natural world.

Enhancing Outdoor Skills and Knowledge:

With APOCABOX, families have the opportunity to learn and develop a range of outdoor skills. From wilderness survival techniques to campfire cooking and navigation skills, each box contains expertly crafted activities and resources that empower families to expand their knowledge and abilities. These newfound skills can be applied on future outdoor adventures, creating a sense of self-reliance and confidence.

Creating Lasting Memories:

One of the greatest gifts of spending time together as a family is the creation of cherished memories. APOCABOX facilitates memorable moments that will be treasured for years to come. Whether it's conquering a challenging hike, identifying constellations under a starry sky, or simply enjoying quality time around a campfire, these shared experiences foster a sense of joy, adventure, and unity among family members.


Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's development and preparing them for life's challenges. We believe that one important aspect of this preparation is sharing wilderness survival skills. Teaching children how to navigate and thrive in the wilderness not only equips them with practical knowledge but also instills valuable life lessons and fosters personal growth. Here are a few reasons why it is essential for parents to share wilderness survival skills with their children:

  1. Self-Reliance and Resilience: Learning wilderness survival skills empowers children to become self-reliant and resilient individuals. By teaching them essential skills such as building a shelter, finding and purifying water, and starting a fire, parents impart the knowledge and confidence needed to face unexpected situations. These skills teach children to trust in their abilities, problem-solve, and adapt to challenging circumstances, fostering resilience that extends beyond the wilderness.

  2. Connection with Nature: In today's technology-driven world, children are increasingly disconnected from the natural world. Sharing wilderness survival skills allows parents to reestablish this connection and help their children develop a deep appreciation and respect for nature. By teaching them about ecosystems, wildlife, and environmental stewardship, parents can instill a sense of wonder and responsibility for the natural world, promoting a sustainable and eco-conscious mindset.

  3. Practical Life Skills: Wilderness survival skills are not only relevant in outdoor settings but also translate into practical life skills. Skills like navigation, first aid, and problem-solving have real-world applications and can be beneficial in various situations. Children who possess these skills are better equipped to handle emergencies, make sound decisions, and adapt to new environments. They develop resourcefulness, critical thinking, and the ability to remain calm under pressure, which are valuable traits in everyday life.

  4. Family Bonding and Shared Experiences: Teaching wilderness survival skills creates opportunities for meaningful family bonding and shared experiences. Venturing into the wilderness together, parents and children can develop a strong sense of teamwork, cooperation, and trust. The shared challenges and triumphs in navigating the outdoors create lasting memories, strengthen familial bonds, and foster open communication. It provides a unique platform for parents and children to connect, learn from one another, and cultivate a sense of adventure.

In a world filled with distractions and busyness, the value of spending quality time with family cannot be overstated. APOCABOX offers a gateway to memorable family adventures in the great outdoors, with its carefully curated boxes designed to inspire, educate, and strengthen family bonds. From building stronger connections and nurturing a love for nature to enhancing outdoor skills and creating lasting memories, APOCABOX empowers families to embark on extraordinary journeys together. So, grab your gear, step outside, and embrace the wonders of nature as a family with APOCABOX. The great outdoors awaits!

Outdoor Subscription Box Gift

Are you looking for a gift to give to an outdoor enthusiast friend or family member? Consider giving a short-term subscription to an outdoor subscription box! Or specifically, a SURVIVAL subscription box like APOCABOX.

What is an Outdoor Subscription Box?

An outdoor subscription box is a monthly or quarterly subscription service that delivers a curated selection of outdoor gear and accessories to your doorstep. These boxes typically include a variety of items such as camping gear, hiking equipment, outdoor apparel, and tools.

Outdoor subscription boxes are a popular choice for outdoor enthusiasts who want to try out new gear or who want to receive a regular supply of high-quality outdoor products. Some boxes are geared towards specific outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, or fishing, while others offer a more general selection of outdoor gear.

Most outdoor subscription boxes offer a variety of subscription options, including monthly, quarterly, or annual plans. Customers can typically choose from different price points, depending on the level of gear they want to receive. Some boxes also offer customization options, allowing customers to select their preferences or provide feedback on the products they receive.

One of the benefits of an outdoor subscription box is the convenience of having gear and accessories delivered directly to your door. Additionally, the boxes often feature new or innovative products that customers may not have discovered on their own. Finally, subscription boxes can be a cost-effective way to try out a variety of products without having to invest in full-sized items.

The Difference Between Outdoor & Survival?

APOCABOX is a subscription box for outdoor enthusiasts. But there is a big difference between generic outdoor subscription boxes and a survival-themed subscription box, like APOCABOX. In additional to outdoor themed items, APOCABOX teach survival skills.

Learning outdoor survival skills is important for a number of reasons, especially for those who enjoy spending time in nature or who may find themselves in emergency situations. Here are some reasons why outdoor survival skills are important:

  1. Safety: Knowing how to start a fire, build a shelter, find clean water, and signal for help can help keep you safe in emergency situations. In the event of an unexpected situation such as a natural disaster, accident, or getting lost, having survival skills can mean the difference between life and death.

  2. Self-sufficiency: Outdoor survival skills enable you to be self-sufficient and rely on your own abilities when you are in the wilderness. This is particularly important when you are in remote areas where rescue may not be immediately available.

  3. Preparedness: Learning outdoor survival skills can help you be better prepared for emergencies and unexpected situations. You can learn to pack the right gear and supplies, understand how to navigate using a map and compass, and know what to do in case of an emergency.

  4. Health and well-being: Spending time in nature has been shown to have positive effects on mental health and well-being. Knowing outdoor survival skills can help you feel more confident and comfortable when you are in nature, and allow you to fully enjoy your outdoor experiences.

  5. Environmental awareness: Learning outdoor survival skills can also increase your understanding and appreciation of the natural world. You can learn how to respect and protect the environment, and develop a deeper connection to the world around you.

Overall, learning outdoor survival skills can provide a sense of empowerment and confidence, and enable you to fully enjoy your outdoor experiences while staying safe and prepared.

Survival Subscription Box: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Apocabox is a subscription-based survival and outdoor gear box created by survivalist and wilderness skills instructor, Creek Stewart. Each Apocabox includes a variety of curated items designed to help you survive and thrive in emergency situations or outdoor adventures. These items might include knives, fire-starters, shelter-building materials, and other outdoor gear. The contents of each Apocabox change every month, and subscribers can choose from several different subscription options based on their individual needs and interests. Overall, Apocabox aims to equip people with the knowledge and tools they need to be self-reliant and prepared in any situation.

Who is Creek Stewart?

Creek Stewart is a survivalist, author, and television host who specializes in teaching wilderness survival and outdoor skills. He is the founder of the Willow Haven Outdoor Survival and Training School in Indiana, where he offers a variety of classes and training programs on topics such as fire-making, shelter-building, and foraging. Stewart has also written several books on survival and preparedness, including "Build the Perfect Bug Out Bag," "The Unofficial Hunger Games Wilderness Survival Guide," and "Survival Hacks: Over 200 Ways to Use Everyday Items for Wilderness Survival." He has also appeared as a survival expert on a number of television shows, including "Fat Guys in the Woods" and "SOS: How to Survive."

The APOCABOX Subscription Survival Box Skills Challenge

Each APOCABOX subscription survival box includes a unique skills challenge to get it’s members outside and learning survival skills. While these are different for each and every box, you can expect to learn skills from the following catagories:

  1. Shelter-building: Knowing how to construct a shelter from natural materials can protect you from the elements and keep you warm and dry.

  2. Fire-making: Being able to start a fire is critical for staying warm, cooking food, and purifying water.

  3. Navigation: Being able to read a map, use a compass, and find your way using natural landmarks can help you find your way back to safety.

  4. Water procurement and purification: Knowing how to find, collect, and purify water is essential for survival in the wilderness.

  5. First aid: Knowing basic first aid skills can help you treat injuries and illnesses, and may even save a life.

  6. Foraging and hunting: Learning how to find and gather wild edibles and hunt small game can help you sustain yourself in the wild.

  7. Knot-tying: Knowing how to tie different types of knots can help you secure shelter, food, and gear.

  8. Self-defense: Knowing how to defend yourself and deter potential attackers can help keep you safe in a survival situation.

  9. Communication: Knowing how to signal for help and communicate with others can be critical in emergency situations.

  10. Mental and emotional resilience: Being mentally and emotionally prepared to deal with stress, fear, and uncertainty can help you stay calm and focused in a survival situation.

Other Gift Ideas to Consider for an Outdoor Enthusiast

If you have a friend or family member who loves spending time in the outdoors, here are some gift ideas that they are likely to appreciate:

  1. Multi-tool: A high-quality multi-tool with various functions such as pliers, scissors, a knife, and screwdrivers can be incredibly useful for any outdoor enthusiast.

  2. Headlamp or flashlight: A headlamp or flashlight is a must-have item for any outdoor adventure, and can be useful for navigating in the dark, setting up camp, or exploring caves.

  3. Backpack: A durable and comfortable backpack designed for outdoor activities can make carrying gear and supplies much easier and more comfortable.

  4. Portable water filter: A portable water filter can allow outdoor enthusiasts to safely drink water from streams, rivers, or other natural sources.

  5. Camping stove: A compact and lightweight camping stove can make it easy to cook meals while camping, hiking, or backpacking.

  6. Hammock: A lightweight and durable hammock can provide a comfortable place to rest and relax while enjoying the outdoors.

  7. Outdoor books or field guides: Books on outdoor skills, survival, wildlife identification, or natural history can be great gifts for those who love learning about the natural world.

  8. Binoculars: A good pair of binoculars can help outdoor enthusiasts observe wildlife, birds, or scenic views more closely.

  9. Sleeping bag: A high-quality sleeping bag designed for the outdoors can provide warmth and comfort on chilly nights.

  10. Gift cards to outdoor stores or online retailers: If you're not sure what to get, consider giving a gift card to an outdoor store or online retailer that specializes in outdoor gear and equipment.

Survival Box Subscriptions: What Is It?

Most people think they can survive the outdoors, but the reality is that most people don’t even know how to start a basic fire!

Outdoor skills are essential and are some of the most primal aspects of what makes us human. Whether you want to learn how to make a fire, set up camp, or hunt, it’s important to have a basic understanding of all these tasks.

If you’re always out looking for the latest outdoor gear and tools, consider skipping the lines and switch to survival box subscriptions. This subscription plan includes a survival box full of gear that’s sent to you every two months. In this way, you can learn new skills and get high-quality gear with a single subscription plan.

Thinking about getting a survival box subscription? Here’s everything you need to know about these survival boxes along with what you can expect when you order one.

What Is a Survival Box?

A survival box is a collection of tools and gear that you can use outdoors. This includes simple tools like knives, can openers, and water bottles but can also include bow drill kits and fire starters. In this way, the survival box covers everything you may ever need when you’re exploring the outdoors.

What Is a Survival Box Subscription?

If you think that you have to manually go and look for all the gear you need, think again. The survival subscription box collects new gear in a single box and ships it to you every two months. This way, you can subscribe to the survival boxes and collect outdoor gear throughout the year.

This subscription plan includes outdoor gear, tools, kits, guides, and even challenges. This is designed by outdoor experts and can help you develop your skills. In this way, you get much more than gear as you can actively learn about the outdoors with every box you receive.

What’s In a Survival Box?

The survival box comes with interesting outdoor gear, tools, guides, project outlines, and challenges. If you want to learn more about what you can expect when you subscribe, here’s a quick breakdown of everything that comes in a box.

Survival Gear

Inside every survival box, you’ll find essential survival gear. This can be gear such as pocket knives, rope, tools, stationery, and even small bags. If you think you’re going to get cheap, low-quality materials, think again!

Everything you can expect in the subscription box is hand-picked and of the highest quality. This ensures that you can start an outdoor collection that’s built to last.

Survival Skills Challenge

The best way to test your outdoor knowledge and skills is with outdoor challenges! This is why you can expect a few challenges in your box. These challenges have been developed by outdoor experts and are perfect to help put your skills to the test.

If you’re a beginner, don’t stress! The challenges are simple and easy to understand. This means that everyone can learn and embrace the outdoors, regardless of their skill level.

Skills Project Plans

There’s nothing more satisfying than completing a project outdoors. This is why we have developed interesting outdoor project plans to help you learn more about the outdoors. These projects will help you use the tools you have to improve your understanding and skill level.

The Mystery Box

If you’re signing up late and missed a bunch of past boxes that have gone out in the past, consider the mystery box. This box comes with the most popular tools and gear that were featured in previous boxes. At just $50, you can order the mystery box online whenever you want.

Why Choose Survival Box Subscriptions?

The survival box subscription makes it easy to find and learn about the latest outdoor gear. As mentioned above, these boxes are curated by outdoor experts and come with interesting tools and gear that you can use outdoors. In addition to the gear, each box comes with helpful guides and challenges to help you learn about the outdoors.

Embracing the Outdoor Lifestyle

The box is designed to help you learn and embrace the outdoor lifestyle. The guides and literature explain the tools and gear in a very simple way so you can master the outdoors regardless of your skill level. This makes it the perfect subscription for yourself and to gift to someone else.

Learn New Skills

The best part about these boxes is that they are designed to help you learn. Unlike other subscriptions that are focused on selling you gear, these survival boxes come with guides and challenges. In this way, you can fully embrace the outdoors and learn about helpful survival skills that you can use in the future.

The Perfect Outdoor Gift

When it comes to the outdoors, having the right gear is essential. With the right tools, you can start a fire, build a shelter, and survive longer than everyone around you. This is why the survival subscription boxes are such a great gift for those that love the outdoors.

The survival boxes don’t just give you tools, they also come with interesting tips, tricks, and guides to help you learn about the outdoors. This way, you can conquer the outdoors whenever you set foot outside. Whether you love camping, hiking, or hunting, you’ll find something useful inside.

What makes these boxes so great is that you can easily gift them to friends and family members. There is a plan dedicated to gifting. This plan gives you two boxes so that you can use one and gift the other to a friend.

If you want to send the box directly to your friend or family member, that’s also possible. Just let us know and we will wrap it up and include a gift card so that it’s a complete surprise. This makes it easy to gift the survival box to people around the country!

Different Subscription Plans

There are a few different subscription plans available on our website. These plans include welcome and gift boxes that you can get for friends and family. If you’re interested in learning more about the various plans, here’s a quick overview of them.

Apoca-Boss Recurring Plan

As the most popular plan, this subscription includes a survival box every two months. The boxes are filled with the latest outdoor gear and literature to help you learn new skills. The subscription is just $50 with an additional shipping charge of $10.95 per box.

If you’re new to the subscription plan, you will also get a welcome box on the same day!

1 Year Stock Up Plan

If you don’t want to wait every two months, you can get an entire year’s worth of survival boxes in a single delivery. The 1 Year Stock Up Plan includes the welcome box and six unique boxes. This gives you everything you need to conquer the outdoors in style.

Gift Box Plan

As you can see, the survival boxes come with everything you need to learn more about the outdoors. If you want to share this with a friend or family member, you can subscribe to the Gift Box Plan! This means that you’ll get an extra box that you can gift to someone else.

Re-Up Plan

If you want to resubscribe to the survival boxes and don’t want the welcome box, the Re-Up Plan is for you! This plan lets you join the subscription again and picks up right where you left off. This means that you skip the welcome box and jump straight into the latest gear.

Skills Project Only Plan

For those who love learning about the outdoors, there’s a Skills Project Only Plan designed just for you. This plan skips all the gear and delivers just the project plans every two months. This plan allows you to feed your curiosity so that you can use the gear you have to build new projects whenever you find yourself outdoors.

Subscribe to Secure Your Survival Box Today

If you love the outdoors and want to learn more about the latest survival tips and tricks, survival box subscriptions are the perfect gift for you. Whether you love outdoor gear yourself or want to gift a box to your fellow outdoorsmen, the subscription box is the perfect option.

Subscription survival boxes come every two months, keeping you updated with new tools, gear, and even a few outdoor challenges.

If you want to learn more about these boxes, visit our website today. There are only a limited number of these boxes available, so it’s important to subscribe to secure yours!

Frequently Asked Questions

Survival box subscriptions are ideal for those who love embracing the outdoors with the latest gear. If you still have questions about these boxes, we have you covered. Here’s a quick look at the most frequently asked questions about the survival box.

1. How Often Do I Get a Survival Box?

When you subscribe to the survival boxes, you can expect a new box every two weeks. Depending on the plan that you choose, you start off with a welcome box and then regular boxes every two months after that. If you resubscribe and don’t want the welcome box, there’s the Re-Up Plan specifically designed for you.

2. What’s in a Survival Box?

The survival box comes with a wide variety of different outdoor tools and gear. This box is designed by outdoor experts and comes with interesting new tools that you can use to improve your outdoor skills. These boxes also come with literature to help you learn new skills.

The literature explains some of the basics while also diving into challenges to put your outdoor skills to the test. This is a great way to improve your skills in a fun, interactive way!

3. Does Every Survival Box Include a Challenge?

When you get your survival box, you can also expect skills project outlines and challenges. This includes interesting facts and guides to help you learn more about the outdoors. Even if you choose to buy the mystery box, you can expect some survival literature in the box.

The challenges that come with the survival box are designed by outdoor experts. This means that you’re learning from the best of the best! These challenges are designed to embrace the outdoors but also to help you improve your outdoor skills.

4. Can I Gift a Survival Box Subscription?

It’s no secret that the survival box would make for an epic gift. This is why we have made it easy for you to subscribe to the service and gift it to a friend or family member. We will make a note that it’s a gift and even include a special note for you.

In addition to this, we also have a gift box plan. This is a plan that includes two boxes so that you can gift one to a friend or family member that loves the outdoors as well.

5. Do I Have to Sign a Contact for a Survival Box Subscription?

Survival subscription boxes come every two months no matter where you are in the United States. If you think you need to sign a formal contract to get started, think again! All you have to do is sign up on our website to ensure that you get your first box.

Our pricing is incredibly clear and is set for every two months. There’s no contract involved so if you ever want to cancel your subscription, you can cancel at any time. You can cancel from the account settings page, or you can email us directly to help cancel the subscription.

How much do you know about APOCABOX? Read on to learn more about the perfect survival subscription box, which you receive every other month.

The survivalist movement in America is growing exponentially. According to CNN, survivalists are preparing to cope after the total collapse of society. Besides being ready for anything, most survival just generally enjoy the outdoors, practicing survival skills, and collecting survival gear.

What if there was a way to fuel your appetite for all things survival without even having to leave your home? That's exactly what our survival subscription box offers! Every other month, you'll receive a range of goodies to help you build both survival knowledge and your gear selection.

Survival Subscription Box
Survival Subscription Box

Why Choose a Survival Subscription Box?

You’re not alone. There are many people who share the same passion for survival skills and kits. We’re right there with you.

That's why we created the best survival monthly box. Our survival kit box subscription is designed for everyone. We'll teach you, train you, provide for you, and add in extra goodies just for you.

What's in The Box?!

Your Apocabox will contain survival tools, information, hand-crafted items, and accessories. We work with different vendors from all over the world to bring you the latest tools to help you through the apocalypse - or your next weekend camp out.

Each box contains unique and life-saving information from our founders. At least one product in every box is focused on expanding your survival knowledge. Past boxes have included wild edible guides to survival books. 

We've partnered with survival enthusiasts from all over the world to bring you artisan-made survival items and accessories. From everyday carry gadgets to unique tools, everything is hand-picked by our founder.

Survival Skills Challenge 

The most unique aspect of the Apocabox is the Survival Skills challenge we bring every community member. The skills-based challenge teaches our members a special skill. 

Although we know that gear is important, knowledge weighs nothing. Developing your on-the-go skills could turn a life-or-death situation into just another day. 

Each challenge is designed by our founder, Creek Stewart. You'll receive full instructions, and sometimes a video, in every delivery. 

Survival Subscription Box
Survival Subscription Box

Great for Gifts

The Apocabox is a great survival gift box. Many of our subscribers get the Apocabox as a survival kit gift box for a loved one. 

Dads particularly love getting this gift box for daughters venturing out into the world. We can't always be right next to our most precious people, but we can ensure that they can take care of themselves. 

Knowing that your loved one is getting something unique, fun, educational, and helpful every month is a great way to keep a celebration going. Whether it's a birthday or holiday gift, the Apocabox really does keep giving.

Our skill challenges are a great way for couples, families, and friends to hone their survival skills together. Whether you're competing together or against each other, everyone is a winner when you're learning something new.

Experts in Survival

The Apocabox was founded by Creek Stewart. Creek is a world-renowned survival expert, author, and host. He has published more than 20 books on survival and has hosted several television shows on The Weather Channel.

Creek spent his life studying the great outdoors. He has spent thousands of man-hours in the field, honing his skills as a survival expert. You may have seen Creek's ventures on the TODAY Show, Inside Edition, Fox & Friends, as well as a range of magazines and websites. 

SOS: How to Survive is Creek's show on The Weather Channel. The show focuses on real-life survival stories. Once you've been entranced by the gripping story of survival of the show's guests, Creek shows viewers how to survive in similar situations. 

In 2015, Creek was presented with the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award by the Boy Scouts of America. The unique award is given to those who have demonstrated enormous achievements in their work with the natural world.

Survival Subscription Box
Survival Subscription Box

Why Apocabox?

Sharing the skills of survival is far from easy. Not everyone was raised in Boy Scouts, spending weekends out in the wild. Taking a little bit of time every other month to hone your skills in your environment is one way to gradually develop expertise over time. 

Whether you're looking to live off-grid, be ready for the end of days or just have fun in the wilderness, the Apocabox is designed so you can prepare yourself for everthing survival. Every other month, you'll receive a range of goodies and skills to help you or a loved one hone your skills. 

Creek's dedication to teaching others how to survive in the wild is why he chooses the items in every box. Because of his global network of survivalist friends, each Apocabox is stocked with something many mainstream survivalists may never see! 

This insider knowledge is invaluable when the time comes. We know that you won't be disappointed! 

Tactical? Conduit? Wilderness?

These are just some examples of our specialist box subscriptions. Not every box has a running theme, but those that do can take years to develop.

For example, the Wilderness Wok box took nearly two years to get ready. This box was a packable bush-wok. Designed for cooking enthusiasts, the box was packed full of tools and accessories for a single-day hike or a multi-day exploration. The Wilderness Wok came with a cutting board, cookbook, and more! 

Our Conduit Box offered members a range of water-resistant, durable goodies to keep your stuff safe in the wild. We also included a Folsom Neck Knife kit, Mop Fly kit, a NASA-designed thermal bivy, and more! 

By partnering with survivalist companies from around the world, every Apocabox offers the latest in technology and knowledge. Many of the items aren't readily available to all. And, of course, they're always very cool! 

Get Your Subscription Today

You never know when you might need to survive the great outdoors. With a specialist survival subscription box, you can start your preparation today. 

What are you waiting for? Just fill out our secure membership form and we will introduce you to a world of safety, possibility, skills, knowledge, and tools you never thought you'd need... until it's too late! 

APOCABOX: Your Monthly Survival Gear Box

APOCABOX is a bi- monthly survival gear box that’s designed for outdoor and survival enthusiasts!

Shipping every other month, APOCABOX is filled with survival tools, gear, and knowledge that can help anyone learn about and enjoy survival and outdoor skills. From Every Day Carry (EDC) tools and survival knives to outdoor gadgets and survival skills kits, APOCABOX is a monthly survival gear box that will help you not only survival the apocalypse, but also make the best out of every trip you take into the outdoors!

Below are just a few of our past monthly survival gear boxes to give you an idea of what to expect when you sign up!

APOCABOX: Monthly Survival Gear Box for February 2019


This box is inspired by Creek’s Grandpa Tucky, from the great state of Kentucky.  For him, survival was a way of life—long before being a survivalist was “cool."  This monthly survival gear box is full of items that were either directly inspired by him. Creek also included a couple of items he would have used and appreciated.

One of Creek’s most prized possessions is a tool Grandpa Tucky made that he called the Tobacco Hawk.  The blade is a crudely-shaped reverse tomahawk that he cut and ground out of an old saw blade tossed aside by a local lumber mill.  The handle is a 36" piece of hickory that he harvested in the woods behind his house.  The blade is attached to the handle with a bent nail and some kind of an improvised pounded rivet.  Grandpa was a tobacco farmer and used this hawk to harvest tobacco. 

Enclosed in your box this month is our own, updated version of Grandpa Tucky’s Tobacco Hawk. 

Creek’s Updated Tobacco Hawk

You’ll notice the Tobacco Hawk in this monthly survival gear box comes in 2 pieces—the head and the unfinished handle.  Finishing the handle (and maybe even sourcing a wild one) is your skills challenge this month (detailed later).  For easy transport, your Tobacco Hawk head is mounted with bolts to a piece of wood.  This is great way to pack it as well, or you can make a custom sheath for it.  It also includes bolts for mounting it to the handle.  This updated Tobacco Hawk is perfect for use as a foraging hawk.  It can be used to harvest wild edibles and cut large amounts of vegetation for shelter building, or it can even clear debris, vines, and briars.  It’s a multi-functional tool that has a limitless number of uses.  This tool is designed EXCLUSIVELY for APOCABOX subscribers.  It’s hand-made in the USA,  smack-dab in Kentucky’s Arts & Crafts District.  It, like all of my tools, is backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee.  Be sure to email me a photo of your finished Tobacco Hawk—I’d love to see how it turns out!  Send to: creek@creekstewart.com

Survival Utility Panel

This 2 x 2-foot waterproof utility panel is about to become your new favorite piece of kit.  It has countless applications while surviving, camping, hiking, or bugging out.  It can be used as a waterproof seat, table covering, food prep area, floor mat, shelter/tent entry mat for shoe or boot removal in inclement weather, or it can even be a waterproof space for prepping fire materials and kindling.  One side is printed with a camouflage pattern of the outline of the state of Kentucky, and the other side is printed with SIGNAL orange so that this panel can double as a rescue or blazing marker.  The best part is that it folds down small and is easy to stow in a pack or jacket pocket.  Be sure to share how you use this multi-functional panel by posting on INSTAGRAM with #APOCABOX.


U-Dig-It Survival Trowel

Grandpa Tucky is responsible for teaching me how to poop in the woods.  I can’t tell you how many times we’d be out gathering walking sticks and he’d just squat down right next to me and take care of business.  While I’ll never be able to erase those memories from my mind, those were still some valuable lessons!  Like Grandpa, I take great pride in using the bathroom more outside than I do inside.  These days, I’ve modernized my wilderness toilet game with this handy lightweight digging tool from UST.  It’s perfect for digging quick cat holes, foraging for roots, clearing fire pits, or clearing debris.  It tucks right in a pack or Bug Out Bag, is durable as all heck, and weighs virtually nothing.

Bushcraft Fishing Kit

My Grandpa never passed up an opportunity to catch and eat some Bluegill from Casey Creek  (just a short walk from his house).  He always carried fishing supplies in his truck!  He would have loved this small hand-reel survival fishing kit!  It contains 118 feet of fishing line, winder, 2 swivels, 2 hooks, 2 weights, and 2 lures. It’s the perfect addition to trapping or water-related kits. This kit is normally stocked on life rafts as an emergency fishing kit for those stranded at sea but trust us when we say it works well anywhere the fish are biting in the backwoods, too! No monthly survival gear box would be complete without an occasional survival fishing kit.

Stacy Lyn’s Preserving 101

I wish you could have seen Grandma & Grandpa’s basement!  The makeshift wooden shelves were lined with canned vegetables from their incredible garden.  Canning and preserving was a way of life for that generation—especially in Kentucky.  This handbook by Stacy Lyn Harris over at gameandgarden.com is the perfect introduction for any long-term food storage plan. The methodology, clear instruction, and recipe bank within these pages is a wealth of knowledge straight out of the “old way” of doing things. And if you know anything about long-term food storage, the “old way” is the only way.

MAM Pocket Knife

Grandpa Tucky always carried a pocket knife.  He used it for EVERYTHING!  MAM Knives, made in Portugal, is one of my all-time favorite knife brands.  I’m sure Grandpa would have loved the functionality and feel of them as much as I do.  The old world charm of MAM Knives reminds me of my Grandpa.  This blade is hand sharpened and the accompanying fork and bottle cap remover are the perfect EDC addition to the blade. The folding 2.5-inch blade is perfect for managing all of the small details of any outdoor adventure. It’s the ideal tool for cutting through the line in your Bushcraft Fishing Kit or shaping the handle of your new Tobacco Hawk.

Survival Skills Challenge

Your Survival Skill Challenge is to finish the handle on the enclosed Tobacco Hawk.  I’ve included a roughed out handle so that you can get started right away.  Carve, shape, and taper it  to be comfortable for you.  The three enclosed nuts and bolts can be used to secure the Tobacco Hawk blade when you’re done.

My Grandpa’s original Tobacco Hawk has a 36-inch long handle—and I have to be honest— I prefer it at this length.  However, I couldn’t fit that long of a handle in your box.  If you’re feeling extra ambitious, I’d challenge you to harvest a hardwood handle from the wild and customize it to fit your Tobacco Hawk.  You can use the enclosed handle as a template for drilling the mounting holes.  I think you’ll find that a 36-inch handle really adds to the functionality of the Tobacco Hawk design.  It really changes the overall feel of the tool.

I’ve filmed a video to walk you through how I’ve shaped my own Tobacco Hawk handle and mounted the head. Watch it here: http://www.myapocabox.com/tobacco-hawk-video

APOCABOX: Monthly Survival Gear Box for December 2020

The December 2020 monthly survival gear box had a very Bushcraft theme to it and included a variety of survival tools and gear to make any venture into the wilderness more exciting. Below are some of the items included in that month’s box.



I posted a video teaser of this product on INSTAGRAM and it received over 15,000 views the first day!  I couldn’t believe the number of people who loved the concept of a “Take-Down” Dogbone Drawknife.  This drawknife is the creation of our longtime blacksmithing partner, Reptile Toolworks, in Kentucky.  The wooden dowels fit into the holes on either side of the blade to create “instant” handles.  It’s truly the perfect drawknife for packing on the trail or going into the backcountry to practice projects.  It’s perfect for bow making and a huge variety of other projects that require shaping wood.  Watch a video of the Dogbone Drawknife in action at: http://www.myapocabox.com/december-2019

ReelSteel Survival Striking Tool

This awesome tool is the creation of Survival Instructor Jamie Burleigh, and we’re honored to release it for the first time to the public in this box.  The ReelSteel Tool is a multifunctional survival tool.  It’s not only a carbon-steel striker for Flint & Steel fire lighting, but it can also be lashed or taped onto a stick or limb to make one of the most effective hand-reel fishing poles you’ll ever use.  And, there’s an integrated divot so that it can be used as a Bow Drill Bearing Block, as well!  We’ve included a FULL KIT of accessories so that you can use the ReelSteel tool right out of the box, including char rope & some flint (be sure to use safety glasses.)  See the SURVIVAL SKILLS CHALLENGE on the back page for more photos. Also, watch a quick tutorial video at http://www.myapocabox.com/december-2019.  In January 2020, the ReelSteel Tool will be available for sale to the public at https://www.oldworldalliance.com/


Buffalo Bone Spear Point

This 7" shaped and polished spear point is hand-crafted from buffalo bone.  Use it to practice hafting spear points OR to open all the holiday gift cards you receive this season.  Either way, it’s a conversation starter.

Gerber 7-in-1 Shard Keychain Solid State Tool

Don't let its size fool you, the Gerber Shard keychain tool is the perfect companion when you want the basics. With a unique shape of its own, the Shard has seven useful functions: small flat driver, medium flat driver, cross driver, pry bar, wire stripper, lanyard hole, and bottle opener. It is light enough to carry on your keychain, but tough and durable enough for everyday use. The Shard is made of stainless steel with a titanium coating, and it measures 2.75 inches. It's backed by a limited lifetime warranty.

To order the Gerber Shard on Amazon, click the image below or this link: https://amzn.to/3fmjg76

Cricket Mini-Kicker Snack

Everybody gets a kick out of eating crickets.  They’re fun and they taste great!  Mini-Kickers are a big handful of roasted crickets seasoned just right. Every flavor is an adventure!  Crickets are healthy, raised humanely, and contain iron and protein with all the essential amino acids. Crickets are natural, non-gmo, pesticide and herbicide free. 


This 4x6 pocket-sized field guide is 76 pages packed with some of the most detailed natural cordage knowledge on the planet!  In this guide, I cover 6 of the best natural cordage plants & trees.  No matter where you live in North America, you’re not far from at least one of these natural cordage sources!

In every one of our monthly survival gear boxes, there is a Survival Skills Challenge. Below is the one for this particular box.

Cricket Mini-Kicker Snack

Everybody gets a kick out of eating crickets.  They’re fun and they taste great!  Mini-Kickers are a big handful of roasted crickets seasoned just right. Every flavor is an adventure!  Crickets are healthy, raised humanely, and contain iron and protein with all the essential amino acids. Crickets are natural, non-gmo, pesticide and herbicide free. 


This 4x6 pocket-sized field guide is 76 pages packed with some of the most detailed natural cordage knowledge on the planet!  In this guide, I cover 6 of the best natural cordage plants & trees.  No matter where you live in North America, you’re not far from at least one of these natural cordage sources!

In every one of our monthly survival gear boxes, there is a Survival Skills Challenge. Below is the one for this particular box.



Your Survival Challenge this month is to use the ReelSteel Survival Striker to either build a hand-reel fishing pole OR to start a fire using the included Char Rope & Flint.  Photos of steps for making the Hand-Reel Fishing Pole are featured below.  Video tutorials are also available at: http://www.myapocabox.com/december-2019

When it comes to a monthly survival gear box, would you agree that APOCABOX offers a unique selection of survival gear, tools, and knowledge? What’s your favorite item mentioned in this article and why?