APOCABOX Tobacco Hawk


Survival Skills Challenge: Build the Tobacco Hawk

Your Survival Skill Challenge is to finish the handle on the enclosed Tobacco Hawk.  I’ve included a roughed out handle so that you can get started right away.  Carve, shape, and taper it  to be comfortable for you.  The three enclosed nuts and bolts can be used to secure the Tobacco Hawk blade when you’re done.

My Grandpa’s original Tobacco Hawk has a 36-inch long handle—and I have to be honest— I prefer it at this length.  However, I couldn’t fit that long of a handle in your box.  If you’re feeling extra ambitious, I’d challenge you to harvest a hardwood handle from the wild and customize it to fit your Tobacco Hawk.  You can use the enclosed handle as a template for drilling the mounting holes.  I think you’ll find that a 36-inch handle really adds to the functionality of the Tobacco Hawk design.  It really changes the overall feel of the tool.